Day 8: Another Day in Nasipit, and Snorkeling at Vinapor Blue Water Resort

Sept. 23, 2016

Debrah's sisters Darianne and Rhea get ready for school.

That tiny woman next to me is the mother of three beautiful daughters.

Darianne asked Debrah and me to walk her to school, where Debrah and Rhea also attended.

A very colorful classroom

Darianne's classmates had never had an American visitor before.
 Our night ferry back to Cebu City didn't leave until the evening, so Debrah and I had time to walk around Nasipit some more.
The Philippines controversial president Duterte is popular in his home island Mindanao. Actually the majority of Filipinos support his campaign to kill drug dealers and criminals.
Debrah's dad works as a security guard at the port where the ferry to Cebu leaves from.

Serious cyclists remind me of California.

Debrah loves Nasipit, her hometown.
We walked across this boardwalk to a small island.

Fisherman throwing his net.

Villagers on the island.

Looking back across the bridge from the island hilltop.

Our ferry was already docked and waiting for our overnight trip to Cebu City.

Construction workers are paid minimum wage in the Philippines, but in the U.S. construction is well-paid.

We visited Debrah's grandma, a fun-loving woman. She reminds Debrah to brush and floss every day so she doesn't end up without teeth too.

Debrah's uncle had invited me to go snorkeling. He's also a certified dive instructor, but we couldn't carry the tanks and equipment on the motorcycles.

I rode on her uncle Ruben's motorcycle, and Harison and Debrah rode together, about an hour to the snorkeling area.
The view on the way to Carmen area where the best snorkeling is.

At the Vinapor Blue Water Resort they have a Cave Pool.

They charge to swim in the Cave Pool, so we just admired it.

Climbing down to the snorkeling spot. Vinapor also has cottages to rent on the waterfront.

Warm clear water always feels wonderful.

There wasn't too much to see, but still fun. We spent almost 2 hours in the water.

Debrah and Harison didn't come in the water, but had fun anyway.

Notice the tiny colorful fish. We didn't see many, but the plant life was unusual.

Time to hike back up and go home on the motorcycles.

Bonnie and Clyde on the get-away.

Passing a habal habal with four riders. Notice the extended seat.

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